有机格雷伯爵茶(20茶包) | Organic Earl Grey Tea (20 Sachets)
The strong astringency of black tea hits you upon contact with the spilling aroma of bergamot enveloping your tastebuds. Its citrusy characteristics can be discerned throughout the length of the cup while its enchanting nose effortlessly creates a rich and relaxing fragrance.
(铁罐)特级铁观音(10's x 15g) | Special Grade Iron Goddess (10's x 15g)
Introduction: 精选安溪铁观音,汤色金黄, 浓艳清澈, 带特有的兰花香, 滋味醇厚甘鲜, 稍带蜜味, 鲜爽回甘。 Storage and Expiry: No expiry if storage in a dry, cool odor-free condition. Avoid sunlight
(原味)普洱小沱茶 | Pu Er Tea Original(300g)
Storage and Expiry: No expiry if storage in a dry, cool odor-free condition. Avoid sunlight
(糯米香)普洱小沱茶 | Pu Er Tea with Glutinous Rice (300g)
Storage and Expiry: No expiry if storage in a dry, cool odor-free condition. Avoid sunlight
肥兔牌枸杞原浆(30mlx10包) | Fei Tu Goji Berry Fresh Juice (30ml X 10 Sachets)
Fei Tu Goji Berry Juice is made from Ningxia fresh goji berries and 72C pasteurization to keep the fresh taste and quality. Suitable to be taken by people of all ages.
宝马花旗参茶(12茶包) | Poh Ma American Ginseng Tea (12 Sachets)
American Ginseng (Panax Quinquefolium) is found mainly in North America and Canada. American Ginseng Tea has been carefully selected, processed and packed for you, It is a natural daily health drink for all ages.
有机路易波士茶(20茶包) | Organic Rooibos Tea (20 Sachets)
Hailing from the ever greens in South Africa, rooibos is packed with countless benefits enough to make it a staple in your daily diet. Its dark amber colour is a tease to its refreshing and uplifting taste - making it a delight to your palate at any time of the day.
有机绿茶(20茶包) | Organic Green Tea (20 Sachets)
Tinged with a bright shade of olive gold once steamed, McCoy's pure Ceylon Sencha green tea is the epitome of spiritual refreshment. An energizing verdant aroma welcomes you before you dive into is medium, light-bodied semi-sweet character.
有机洋甘菊茶(20茶包) | Organic Chamomile Tea (20 Sachets)
Our blend of Chamomile is packed with antioxidants that promote good sleep and digestive health. Known for its many beneficial properties, a cup of Chamomile after a long day is perfect to give your senses the inner massage it needs to revivify.
(铁罐)特级普洱茶(10's x 15g) | Special Grade Pu Er Tea (10's x 15g)
Introduction: 精选云南陈年普洱茶,茶性温和,陈味芳香,口感圆满滑润。饮后两颊生津,舌底鸣泉。 Storage and Expiry: No expiry if storage in a dry, cool odor-free condition. Avoid sunlight
(铁罐)特级乌龙茶 (10's x 15g) | Special Grade Oolong Tea (10's x 15g)
Introduction: 精选安溪茶叶,古法精制,条形卷曲,呈铜褐色,入口甘醇,香馥美,清甜滑口。 Storage and Expiry: No expiry if storage in a dry, cool odor-free condition. Avoid sunlight
菊苣栀子茶(50茶包) | Chicory Gardenia Tea (50 Sachets)
Function: Reduce uric acid and relieve gout. Ingredients: Chicory, Gardenia, Chinese Yam, Mulberry Leaf, Licorice, Radix Puerariae, Poria, Tangerine Peel.
红枣桂圆枸杞茶(50茶包) | Red Date Longan and Wolfberry Tea (50 Sachets)
Function: Replenishing Qi and blood, improve skin complexion Ingredients: Longan, Wolfberry, Red Dates
牛蒡菊花茶(50茶包) | Burdock Chrysanthemum Tea (50 Sachets)
Function: Eliminating Wind and Heat, Support healthy Liver and Eyesight. Ingredients: Baby Chrysanthemum, Cassia Seed, Wolfberry, Burdock Root, Honeysuckle, Osmanthus
桂花酸梅茶(40茶包) | Osmanthus Sour Plum Tea (40 Sachets)
Function: Assists in Clearing Heat, Promotes Fluid, Improves Stomach Health, and Invigorates Spleen Health Ingredients: Rock Sugar, Dark Plum Fruit, Tangerine Peel, Hawthorn, Licorice, Roselle, Mulberry, Mint Leaf, Osmanthus
宝马特级参茶礼盒装(12茶包) | Supreme American Ginseng Gift Box (12 Sachets)
American Ginseng(Panax Quinque folium L.) is found mainly in North America and Canada. “POHMA” American Ginseng Tea uses specially selected American Ginseng, processed and packed in a hygiene condition. It helps to reduce tiredness, stress and remove heatiness.
胖大海菊花茶(40茶包) | Malvanut Chrysanthemum Tea (40 Sachets)
Function: Support Healthy Respiratory System, Detoxification Ingredients: Malva Nut, baby Chrysanthemum, Monk Fruit, Mint Leaf, Licorice, Tangerine Peel
红豆薏仁芡实茶(50茶包) | Red Bean Barley Gorgon Tea (50 Sachets)
Function: Invigorate The Spleen and Dispel Dampness, Diuretic and Excretion, Improve Edema and Moisturize Skin Ingredients: Red Beans, Coix Seed, Barley, Tatary Buckwheat, Gorgon, Tangerine Peel, Gardenia Jasminoides
Manukora Raw Manuka Honey UMF 5+ (500g)
Manukora Manuka Honey is sourced from New Zealand's native forests. It is tested to the highest standards to ensure you are getting 100% natural honey from our beautiful country
Manukora Raw Manuka Honey UMF 10+ (500g)
Manukora Manuka Honey is sourced from New Zealand's native forests. It is tested to the highest standards to ensure you are getting 100% natural honey from our beautiful country.
越南烘腰豆原味(240)(300g) | Baked Cashew 240 (Original)(300g)
Storage: Nitrogen packed for optimal freshness. Keep refrigerated. Nuts are high in oil content, which makes them highly prone to going rancid if exposed to local warm and humid weather.
熟腰豆(240)(300g) | Roasted Cashew WW240 (Slightly Salted)
Storage: Nitrogen packed for optimal freshness. Keep refrigerated. Nuts are high in oil content, which makes them highly prone to going rancid if exposed to local warm and humid weather.
杏仁,腰果,檀香豆综合坚果(300g) | Almond, Cashew, Macadamia Mix(300g)
Storage: Nitrogen packed for optimal freshness. Keep refrigerated. Nuts are high in oil content, which makes them highly prone to going rancid if exposed to local warm and humid weather.
澳洲檀香豆(半粒咸味)(250g) | Baked Australian Macadamia (Halves) (Salted)(250g)
Storage: Nitrogen packed for optimal freshness. Keep refrigerated. Nuts are high in oil content, which makes them highly prone to going rancid if exposed to local warm and humid weather.
澳洲檀香豆(半粒原味(烘))(250g) | Baked Australian Macadamia (Halves)(250g)
Storage: Nitrogen packed for optimal freshness. Keep refrigerated. Nuts are high in oil content, which makes them highly prone to going rancid if exposed to local warm and humid weather.
南非檀香豆(半粒原味)(250g) | Raw South Africa Macadamia (Halves)(250g)
Storage: Nitrogen packed for optimal freshness. Keep refrigerated. Nuts are high in oil content, which makes them highly prone to going rancid if exposed to local warm and humid weather.
南非檀香豆(整粒原味)(250g) | Raw South Africa Macadamia (Whole)(250g)
Storage: Nitrogen packed for optimal freshness. Keep refrigerated. Nuts are high in oil content, which makes them highly prone to going rancid if exposed to local warm and humid weather.
美国杏仁(23/25)(300g) | U.S.A Baked Almond(23/25)(300g)
Storage: Nitrogen packed for optimal freshness. Keep refrigerated. Nuts are high in oil content, which makes them highly prone to going rancid if exposed to local warm and humid weather.
特大美国开心果(咸味)(300g) | Jumbo U.S.A. Pistachio (Salted)(300g)
Storage: Nitrogen packed for optimal freshness. Keep refrigerated. Nuts are high in oil content, which makes them highly prone to going rancid if exposed to local warm and humid weather.
美国核桃仁(烘)(300g) | Baked U.S.A Walnut(300g)
Storage: Nitrogen packed for optimal freshness. Keep refrigerated. Nuts are high in oil content, which makes them highly prone to going rancid if exposed to local warm and humid weather.
(BOX)(苹果味)胶原蛋白魔芋果冻 | (Apple) INNERSET Collagen Konjac Jelly (150g X 10PKT)
Consume directly from pouch (best serve chilled). After opening, store in the refrigerator and consumed within 24 hour. Storage Condition: Keep in cool and dry area. Origin: Product of Korea
(BOX)(水蜜桃味)胶原蛋白魔芋果冻 | (Peach) INNERSET Collagen Konjac Jelly (150g X 10PKT)
Consume directly from pouch (best serve chilled). After opening, store in the refrigerator and consumed within 24 hour. Storage Condition: Keep in cool and dry area. Origin: Product of Korea
(BOX)(葡萄味)胶原蛋白魔芋果冻 | (Grape) INNERSET Collagen Konja Jelly (150g X 10PKT)
Consume directly from pouch (best serve chilled). After opening, store in the refrigerator and consumed within 24 hour. Storage Condition: Keep in cool and dry area. Origin: Product of Korea
P&L有机小麦草粉(100g) | P&L Organic Wheatgrass Powder (100g)
It’s real, it’s natural, and it’s certified organic. A whole food that has been harvested at the absolute peak of its nutritional value. Think of it as concentrated “solar energy” or simply as an off-the shelf source of the very best that greens have offer.
小包止嗽散 | Zhi Sou San (1 Sachet)
Helps relieve cough & dissolves phlegm.
小包银翘散 | Yin Qiao San (1 Sachet)
Helps relieve cold, eliminate of heat and detoxification. Helps relieve headache, dry mouth, cough and sore throat.
(BOX) 金牛牌特级冰糖洞燕 | GC SG Cave Bird's Nest with Rock Sugar (6 x75g)
Golden cow special grade cave bird's nest with rock sugar is prepared from quality cave bird's nest and rock sugar solution, formulated according to traditional recipes, suitable to be taken by people of all ages.
福華传统原味鸡精 | Hockhua's Traditional Essence of Chicken (6 x 75ml)
This product does not contain artificial colouring, flavouring and preservatives. Ingredients: Essence of Chicken.
小包板蓝根 | Ban Lan Gen (1 Sachet)
Expel heatiness, helps remove toxin from body & helps relieve sore throat.
(BOX) 金牛牌特级泡参洞燕 | GC SG Cave Bird's Nest Ginseng with Rock Sugar (6 x75g)
Golden cow special grade cave bird's nest, ginseng with rock sugar is prepared from quality cave bird's nest, ginseng and rock sugar solution, formulated according to traditional recipes, suitable to be taken by people of all ages.
盒装止嗽散 | Zhi Sou San (20 Sachets)
Helps relieve cough & dissolves phlegm.
(BOX) 金牛牌特级冰糖古晋官燕 | GC SG Kuching IMP Bird's Nest with Rock Sugar (6 x75g)
盒装银翘散 | Yin Qiao San (20 Sachets)
Helps relieve cold, eliminate of heat and detoxification. Helps relieve headache, dry mouth, cough and sore throat.
(BOX) 金牛牌特级低糖古晋官燕 | GC SG Kuching IMP Bird's Nest with Low Sugar (6 x75g)
福华泡参虫草当归鸡精 | Hockhua's Chicken Essence with A.Ginseng,Cordyceps&Dang Gui(6x75ml)
Ingredients: Essence of Chicken, American Ginseng, Cordyceps, Radix Angelicae Sinesis (Dang Gui), Radix Codonopsis, Poria, Rhizome Chuanxiong, Radixet Rhizoma Glycyrhizae, Radix Rehmanniae, Dioscorea Opposita and Vitamin E
盒装板蓝根 | Ban Lan Gen (20 Sachets)
Expel heatiness, helps remove toxin from body & helps relieve sore throat.
福华泡参银杏鸡精 | Hockhua's Essence of Chicken w American Ginseng&Ginkgo Biloba(6x75ml)
This product does not contain artificial colouring, flavouring and preservatives. Ingredients: Essence of Chicken, American Ginseng and Ginkgo Biloba.
传统龟苓膏 | P&L Traditional Herbal Jelly (200g)
Made in singapore. No colouring. No preservatives. Steam and high temperature sterilization.
天羊牌虚火口疮胶囊(60PCS) | Tian Yang Xu Huo Oral Ulcer Capsule (60PCS)
Functions: Removal of excessive inner heat detoxification from heat cause enriches 'Qi' and 'Yin'.
(BOTTLE) 金牛冰糖燕窝饮 | GC Bird's Nest Beverage with Rock Sugar (130g)
福华虫草泡参生鱼精 | Hockhua's Fish Essence with Cordyceps & American Ginseng (6 x 75ml)
This product does not contain artificial colouring, flavouring and preservatives Ingredients: Essence of Fish, American Ginseng and Cordyceps.
罗汉果龟苓膏 | P&L Luo Han Guo Herbal Jelly (200g)
福华虫草泡参精华(素) | Hockhua's Essence of A.Ginseng w Cordyceps&Black Bean(6x75ml)
This product does not contain artificial colouring, flavouring and preservatives. Ingredients: American Ginseng, Cordyceps and Essence of Black Bean.
珍珠龟苓膏 | P&L Pearl Herbal Jelly (200g)
Made in singapore. No colouring. No preservatives. Steam and high temperature sterilization.
天羊牌葛根感冒茶(12茶包) | Tian Yang Ge Gen Cold Relief Tea (12 Sachets)
Functions: Detoxification and inner heat releases, blood cleansinng through removing
(BOTTLE) 金牛牌特级冰糖洞燕 | GC SG Cave Bird's Nest with Rock Sugar (150g)
Golden cow special grade cave bird's nest with rock sugar is prepared from quality cave bird's nest and rock sugar solution, formulated according to traditional recipes, suitable to be taken by people of all ages.
芦荟龟苓膏 | P&L Aloe Vera Herbal Jelly (200g)
Made in singapore. No colouring. No preservatives. Steam and high temperature sterilization.
天羊牌减糖茶(24茶包) | Tian Yang Sugar Care Herbal Tea (24 Tea Bags)
Gymnema sylvestre has been safely and effectively used in the Traditional Indian system of Ayruvedic medicine for about 4,500 years. It plays a significant role in glucose metabolism.
(BOTTLE) 金牛牌特级泡参洞燕 | GC SG Cave Bird's Nest Ginseng with Rock Sugar (150g)
Golden cow special grade cave bird's nest, ginseng with rock sugar is prepared from quality cave bird's nest, ginseng and rock sugar solution, formulated according to traditional recipes, suitable to be taken by people of all ages.
福华虫草泡参胶原蛋白乌鸡精|Essence Black-Boned Chicken wCordyceps, A.Ginseng&Collagen(6x75ml)
"Hockhua’s Essence of Black-boned Chicken with cordyceps, American Ginseng & Collagen does not contain any preservatives, flavourings, artificial colourings or salt and is cholesterol and trans fat-fee. This product includes herbs such as Cordyceps, American Ginseng & Collagen.
薄菏龟苓膏 | P&L Peppermint Herbal Jelly (200g)
Made in singapore. No colouring. No preservatives. Steam and high temperature sterilization.
强力活血风湿膏(大)(10PCS) | Tian Yang Medicated Plaster (BIG) (10PCS)
Promote blood circulation, and remoce injury-induced blood clot. Ease muscle and joint inflammation, pain and stiffness. Repair injuries of tendons, joint, muscle, soft & hard tissue
(BOTTLE) 金牛牌特级冰糖古晋官燕 | GC SG Kuching IMP Bird's Nest with Rock Sugar (150g)
Golden cow special grade kuching imperial bird's nest with rock sugar is prepared from premium grade kuching imperial bird's nest and rock sugar solution, formulated according to traditional recipes, suitable to be taken by people of all ages.
福华泡参虫草杜仲乌骨鸡精|Essence Black-boned Chicken wA.Ginseng,Cordyceps&C.Eucommiae(6x75ml
Hockhua’s Essence of Black-boned Chicken with American Ginseng, Cordyceps & Cortex Eucommiae does not contain any preservatives, flavourings, artificial colourings or salt and is cholesterol and trans fat-fee.
小麦草龟苓膏 | P&L Wheatgrass Herbal Jelly (200g)
Made in singapore. No colouring. No preservatives. Steam and high temperature sterilization.
(BOTTLE) 金牛牌特级低糖古晋官燕 | GC SG Kuching IMP Bird's Nest with Low Sugar (150g)
Golden cow special grade kuching imperial bird's nest with low sugar is prepared from premium grade kuching imperial bird's nest and rock sugar solution, formulated according to traditional recipes, suitable to be taken by people of all ages.
胶原蛋白龟苓膏 | P&L Collagen Herbal Jelly (200g)
Made in singapore. No colouring. No preservatives. Steam and high temperature sterilization.
天羊牌千里追风透骨油(50ml) | Tian Yang Herbal Analgesic Oil (50ml)
Indication: Suitable for all kinds of aches and pain, rheumatism pain, sprain. Relieve swollen joints and bruise. Relieve limbs numbness.
古早味滴鸡精(7Packs x 60ml) | Traditional Drip Chicken Essence (7Packs x 60ml)
Direction: Can consume directly from sachet or warm up as suggested for better taste. Volume: 60ml X 7 Packs Soak in hot water Place sachet in hot water and submerged for a few minutes till sachet is heated up.
菊花龟苓膏 | P&L Chrysanthemum Herbal Jelly (200g)
Made in singapore. No colouring. No preservatives. Steam and high temperature sterilization.
天羊牌狮子油(50ml) | Tian Yang Brand Lion Oil (50ml)
Indication: Suitable for all kinds of aches and pain, rheumatism pain, sprain. Relieve limbs numbness and joint pain.
自制桃胶甜品 | Homemade Peach Gum Desserts
Please keep the herbal tea in the refrigerator after receiving your drink and consume within the same day. 请在收到饮品后,将饮品放入冰箱,并在当天内饮用完。 Peach gum is rich in antioxidants and has been know for improving eyesight and relieving stress.
洛神花山楂茶 | Roselle Hawthorn Tea (500ml)
Ingredients: Water, Sugar, Hawthorn, Roselle, Orange Peel, Rose. Keep Refrigerated
洋参罗汉果 | Ginseng Luo Han Guo Tea (500ml)
Please keep the herbal tea in the refrigerator after receiving your drink and consume within the same day. 请在收到饮品后,将饮品放入冰箱,并在当天内饮用完。
中国薏米水 | Traditional Cooked Barley (500ml)
Please keep the herbal tea in the refrigerator after receiving your drink and consume within the same day. 请在收到饮品后,将饮品放入冰箱,并在当天内饮用完。 Chinese barley is less sweet and have better medicinal properties. It contains high levels of fiber and promote good disgestion health.
苦茶 | Traditional Herbal Tea (500ml)
Please keep the herbal tea in the refrigerator after receiving your drink and consume within the same day. 请在收到饮品后,将饮品放入冰箱,并在当天内饮用完。 Helps remove toxin, discharge heat and flu prevention.
葛根茶 | Ge Gen Tea (500ml)
Please keep the herbal tea in the refrigerator after receiving your drink and consume within the same day. 请在收到饮品后,将饮品放入冰箱,并在当天内饮用完。 Helps expel wind & cold due to headache, fever, rigidity of neck & back.
芦丁蜂蜜汁| Honey Aloe Vera Pulp Juice (500ml)
Please keep the herbal tea in the refrigerator after receiving your drink and consume within the same day. 请在收到饮品后,将饮品放入冰箱,并在当天内饮用完。
蜂蜜柠檬水 | Honey Lemon Drink (500ml)
Please keep the herbal tea in the refrigerator after receiving your drink and consume within the same day. 请在收到饮品后,将饮品放入冰箱,并在当天内饮用完。
羚羊水 | Antelope Tea (500ml)
Please keep the herbal tea in the refrigerator after receiving your drink and consume within the same day. 请在收到饮品后,将饮品放入冰箱,并在当天内饮用完。
低糖马蹄水 | Lower in Sugar Water Chestnut Drink (500ml)
Please keep the herbal tea in the refrigerator after receiving your drink and consume within the same day. 请在收到饮品后,将饮品放入冰箱,并在当天内饮用完。
洋参菊花茶 | Ginseng Chrysanthemum Tea (500ml)
Please keep the herbal tea in the refrigerator after receiving your drink and consume within the same day. 请在收到饮品后,将饮品放入冰箱,并在当天内饮用完。
陈年金桔茶 | Golden Lime Tea (500ml)
Please keep the herbal tea in the refrigerator after receiving your drink and consume within the same day. 请在收到饮品后,将饮品放入冰箱,并在当天内饮用完。
福華凉茶 | Herbal Tea (500ml)
Please keep the herbal tea in the refrigerator after receiving your drink and consume within the same day. 请在收到饮品后,将饮品放入冰箱,并在当天内饮用完。
川贝杏仁茶 | Almond Figs Tea (500ml)
Please keep the herbal tea in the refrigerator after receiving your drink and consume within the same day. 请在收到饮品后,将饮品放入冰箱,并在当天内饮用完。
福华虫草泡参鸡精 | Hockhua's Chicken Essence with Cordyceps & American Ginseng(6 x 75ml)
This product does not contain artificial colouring, flavouring and preservatives Ingredients: Essence of Fish, American Ginseng and Cordyceps.
金银花凉茶 | Honeysuckle Flower Tea (500ml)
Please keep the herbal tea in the refrigerator after receiving your drink and consume within the same day. 请在收到饮品后,将饮品放入冰箱,并在当天内饮用完。
福华虫草杜仲补腰鸡精|Hockhua's Essence Chicken w A.Ginseng Cordyceps&C. Eucommiae(6x75ml)
This product does not contain artificial colouring, flavouring and preservatives Ingredients: Essence of chicken, American Ginseng, Cordyceps and Cortex Eucommiae.
菊花茶 | Chrysanthemum Tea (500ml)
Please keep the herbal tea in the refrigerator after receiving your drink and consume within the same day. 请在收到饮品后,将饮品放入冰箱,并在当天内饮用完。
(BOTTLE) 金牛泡参燕窝饮 | GC Bird's Nest Beverage with Ginseng (130g)
福华传统乌鸡精 | Hockhua's Traditional Essence of Black-boned Chicken (6 x 75ml)
Hockhua’s Traditional Essence of Black-boned Chicken, extracted from the finest black-boned chicken, has been the better choice of instant tonic drink for generations. It does not contain any preservatives, flavouring, artificial colourings or salt and is cholesterol and transfat-free.
福华泡参虫草当归乌骨鸡精|Essence of Black-boned Chicken wA.Ginseng,Cordyceps&DangGui(6x75ml)
Ingeredients: Black-boned Chicken, American Ginseng, Cordyceps, Radix Angelicae Sinesis (Dang Gui), Radix Codonopsis, Poria, Rhizoma Chuanxiong, Radix et Rhizoma Glycyrrhizae, Radix Rehmanniae, Dioscorea Opposita & Victamin E.