양념 LA 갈비, YangNyum LA Galbi 420g
Marinated Beef Short Rib. Serving with Green Lettuce and Sauces, Pickles. Unlimited side dishes are provided upon Dine in Only.
양념 소목심 구이 YangNyum ChuckRoll 400g
Soy sauce base marinated beef chuck roll. Unlimited side dishes are provided upon Dine in Only.
오징어면 OJingEo-Myun
From Korea. Best with beer.
숏다리 ShortDari 3pcs
Korean Dried Squid
닭똥집튀김 Fried DakTtongJip
Crispy Fried Chicken Gizzard. Best with beer.
쥐포튀김 Jwipo Twigim 2pcs
수육 SooYook 200g
Steamed pork belly with KimChi and Fresh vegetables
계란장 EggJang 3pcs
맛김치 Fresh KimChi 200g
열무김치 YeolMoo Kimchi 200g
SookJoo NaMul 200g
소목심 구이 Chuck Roll 320g
Fresh, locally sourced beef chuckㅣ신선한 국내산 소고기 목심
우설구이 WooSeol Grill 200g
(Limited Qty per day Only)ㅣDiscover the savory delight of grilled beef tongue, known as WooSeol Grill 우설구이 in Korean. Seek out this seasoned, succulent delicacy that enthusiasts savor. Indulge in the rich, tender texture of 우설 a taste worth exploring!ㅣ(일일한정수량)
목살 Mock Sal 320g
Pork Neck, The perfect harmony of a chewy texture transitioning from the sirloin to the neck, coupled with the right amount of fat, a sublime combination! 등심에서 목쪽으로 이어지는 쫄깃한 식감과 적당한 지방의 환상의 조화!
항정살 HangJeongSal 320g
(Limited Qty per day Only)ㅣA premium pork cut from the neck area. Known for its marbling and tenderness, it enjoyed for its flavorful and juicy qualities. (일일 한정수량)ㅣ항정살은 돼지 목 부위에서 나오는 고급 살코기로, 지방이 적고 부드럽고 고소한 맛이 특징입니다. 고기의 풍부한 기름기와 부드러움! 술안주로도 딱ㅣ
ONLY HP I 벌집 돼지 껍데기 Beehive Pork Skin 320g
(Limited Qty per day Only) Special beehive pork skin, rich in collagen, boasts a chewy texture and exceptional nuttiness. Boosting skin elasticity with collagen, perfect as a drinking snack too. (일일 한정수량) 콜라겐이 풍부한 홍대포차 특제 돼지껍데기는 쫄깃하고 고소함이 일품입니다. 콜라겐으로 피부탄력도 Up! 술안주로도 딱
고기한판 스페셜 Gogi Platter Special 640g
Pork Belly 160g + HangJeongSal 160g + Mock Sal 160g + Pork Cheek 160g + HongDae Kimchi Jjigae (S)ㅣCharcoal grilling, outdoors onlyㅣ삼겹살 160g+항정살 160g +목살 160g + 뽈살 160g +후식용 김치찌개ㅣ
ONLY HPㅣ돌돌이 불고기 DolDolYee BulGoGi 320g
ONLY HPㅣ돌돌이 불고기 Rolled Pork BulGoGi 320g
ONLY HPㅣ돼지뽈살 BbolSal 320g
(Limited Qty per day Only)ㅣPork cheek meat is a specialty cut that yields about 80g from one pig (일일한정수량)ㅣ돼지 볼살은 한마리의 돼지에서 80g 만나오는 특수 부위입니다
Extra Mixed Lettuce 100g
호주산 LA 갈비, Australia LA Galbi 340g
Australian Beef, Short Rib Recommended to Cook medium condition. 미디엄으로 구워드시면 더 맛있는 호주산 LA갈비, 뜨거울때 드세요!
대하구이 Korean SeaSalt Grilled Prawns 400g
Daeha Gui - Korean-style grilled shrimp. Korean coarse sea salt, rich in minerals. Enjoy fresh Black Tiger shrimp from MyanmarㅣRecommended beverages: Soju (OR) Soju with Beer (SoMaek)ㅣ대하구이는 미네랄이 풍부한 한국산 굵은 바다소금을 이용해 구어내는 한국식 새우구이 입니다. 미얀마산 싱싱한 블랙타이거 새우ㅣ추천 음료: 소주 및 소맥
생삼겹살 Seang-Pork Belly 320g
Fresh pork belly with skin, perfect as a drinking snack too
뼈해장국 Bone HaeJangGook & Rice
Pork Backbone Hangover Soup. Experience our addictive flavor with our special sauce in our Pork Backbone Hangover Soup. Meat: Pork, Soup Base: Beef 특제 소스로 만든 돼지등뼈 해장국 입니다. 중독적인 맛을 느껴보세요. 등뼈: 돼지등뼈, 육수: 소
미역국 MiYeokGuk & Rice
Complimentary for the birthday guest for all Dine in Guest. 매장내 식사시 생일이면 미역국 무료! 소고기 미역국 MiYeokGuk is a traditional Korean seaweed soup with Beef, Made with nutrient-rich seaweed and a flavorful broth, it’s a comforting dish typically served on birthdays or as a nourishing meal.
국물찜닭 GukMul-JjimDak
Braised whole Chicken in Broth, Called GukMul-JjimDak.ㅣRecommended beverages: Soju(OR)Soju with Beer (SoMaek).ㅣ국물찜닭
홍대 어묵탕 EoMuk Tang
Hot and savory fish cake soup is the ultimate drinking companion. Recommended beverages: Soju 뜨끈한 어묵 국물! 어묵꼬치 5개 뜨끈한 어묵 국물! 어묵꼬치 5개
홍대 김치찌개&김쌀밥 HongDae Kimchi Jjigae & Seaweed Rice
Try our signature Kimchi Stew with pork! Mix it with rice for a delicious meal! 신김치와 돼지고기를 넣어 만든 시그니쳐 김치찌개입니다. 찌개를 밥과 함께 비벼서 드셔보세요!
뼈전골 Bone JeonGol
Experience our addictive flavor with our special sauce in our Pork Backbone Hangover SoupㅣMeat: Pork, Soup Soup Base: BeefㅣRecommended beverages: Soju &Soju with Beer (SoMaek). 특제 소스로 만든 돼지등뼈 해장국 입니다. 중독적인 맛을 느껴보세요.ㅣ등뼈: 돼지등뼈, 육수: 소사골ㅣ추천주류: 소주 &소맥
부대찌개 Budae jjigae
The ultimate drinking companion, our Budae Jjigae, is made with various types of ham (pork spam, pork sausages, chicken sausages, chicken ham), rice cake and cheese. It has a slightly spicy kick to it. Recommended beverages: Soju & Soju with Beer (SoMaek).
바삭 오징어 부추전 Crispy OJingEo BuChu Jeon
Chive pancake with squid. Crispy. 오징어가 들어간 바삭한 부추전입니다.
김밥전 KimBopJeon
🌶️🦐양념 새우장 YangNyeom SaWooJang 300g
Spicy & Sweet Marinated Prawn
🌶️🦀양념 게장 YangNyeom GeJang 600g
Spicy Marinated Flower Crab, Seaweed Rice Recommend
🌶️🌶️매운 쪽갈비찜 MaeUn JjokGalBiJjim 600g
Spicy Braised Pork Short Ribs 600gㅣRecommended beverages: Soju (OR) Soju with Beer (SoMaek)ㅣ 매운 돼지 쪽갈비 찜. 옵션ㅣ당면ㅣ모짜렐라 치즈ㅣ볶음밥ㅣ추천 음료: 소주 및 소맥.
새우장 SaeWooJang 300g
Soy sauce Marinated prawn. Fresh large Tiger prawn marinated in secret sauce including fruits, 300gㅣRecommended beverages: Soju (OR) Soju with Beer (SoMaek)ㅣ신선한 큰 타이거새우를 과일장에 숙성한 새우장 300g ㅣ추천 음료: 소주 및 소맥.
간장게장 GanJang GeJang🦀 800g
Soy sauce marinated crab. Fresh Myanmar blue crab marinated in Korean non-spicy soy sauce. Low sodiumㅣRecommended beverages: Soju (OR) Soju with Beer (SoMaek)ㅣ싱싱한 꽃게에 과일과 장류를 끓여낸 소스에 숙성한 짜지않은 게장ㅣ추천 음료: 소주 및 소맥.
목살 짜파구리 Mock Sal Chapaguri
For SharingㅣThe menu featured in the movie-Parasite is a dish that combines spicy and sweet flavors with 150gram Pork Collar SteakㅣRecommended beverages: Beer (OR) Soju with Beer (SoMaek).ㅣ2-3인용ㅣ영화 기생충에 등장하는 메뉴는 매콤달콤 짜파구리와 목살 스테이크 150g을 포함하고 있습니다. ㅣ추천 음료: 맥주, 소맥
골뱅이 무침 Golbang I Moochim
Made with a Korean canned sea snails, vegetables. Dish comes with Korean Jung-Myun. ㅣRecommended beverages: Soju (OR) Soju with Beer (SoMaek)ㅣ우리가 좋아하는 골뱅이와 야채 그리고 대파가 많이 들어간 골뱅이 무침. 국수 사리와 함께 제공됩니다.ㅣ추천 음료: 소주 및 소맥.
홍포 후라이드 치킨 HongPo Fried Chicken
Beer-infused, juicy, and crispy signature chickenㅣSauce:Honey Mustard, Spicy SauceㅣRecommended beverages: Beer (OR) Soju with Beer (SoMaek)ㅣ맥주에 담가 촉촉하고 바삭바삭한 치킨ㅣ소스: 허니 머스타드, 매운양념치킨 소스
후라이드 치킨 윙 Korean Fried Chicken Wing
18 pcs, Crispy Krean Style Fried Chicken Wing Sauce:Honey Mustard& Spicy Chilli Sauc Recommended beverages: Beer (OR) Soju with Beer (SoMaek 18 조각ㅣ소스:오뚜기 허니 머스타드, 매운양념치킨 소스
칠리마요 치킨 Chili Mayo Chicken
A magical chicken that keeps you addicted. Beer-infused, juicy, and crispy, Slightly Spicy, soft, savory, sweet, and sourㅣRecommended beverages: Beer(OR) Soju with Beer (SoMaek). 맥주에 담가 촉촉하고 바삭바삭한 치킨에 매콤한 크림소스ㅣ소스: 허니 머스타드, 매운양념치킨 소스
국물닭발 Gukmul Dakbal, Spicy
Soupy Slow Cooked Chiekn Feet. One of the most famous soju accompaniments in Korea. Highly recommend adding bean sprouts and eat them together. It's very spicy!Recommended beverages: Soju &Soju with Beer (SoMaek)ㅣ모두가 다 아는 그 국물 닭발!ㅣ추천주류: 소주&소맥
숯불 무뼈닭발 Charcoal MuBbeo DakBal
Boneless chicken feet 200g is the ultimate drinking snack. It is a delightfully chewy, collagen rich dish. Experience the mouthful of spicy chewiness and intense smokiness. Collagen delightㅣ 무뼈닭발은 최고의 술안주 입니다. 꼬들 꼬들 쫀득쫀득 콜라겐 덩어리. 입안가득히 퍼지는 매콤쫀득함과 엄청난 훈연을 느껴보세요
버터오징어 Butter O-JingEo
🌶️ 바삭 김치고기전 Crispy Kimchi Gogi Jeon
Lots of pork meats with sour kimchi pancake. 돼지고기
닭똥집볶음 DakTtongJip
Koreans beloved soju side dish, Dakttongjip-Stir-fried chicken gizzards. Enjoy the chewy rice cakes and the delightful texture of chicken gizzardsㅣRecommended beverages: Soju &Soju with Beer (SoMaek). 한국인의 최고 애정하는 소주안주 메뉴 닭똥집(닭근위)볶음. 쫄깃한 떡과 재미있는 식감의 닭근위를 함께 즐겨보세요. ㅣ추천주류:맥주 &소맥 &소주
치즈계란말이 Cheese Eggroll
부추전 BuChu Jeon
Chive Pancake, Vegetarian
콘치즈 Korean Corn Cheese
Once you try it, you won't be able to quit the deliciousness!
자숙콩 Porched Green Beans
자숙콩 Porched Green Beans
손만두 Handmade King Mandoo 3pcs
Pork dumpling
German Sausages-2pcs
닭껍질 튀김 Crispy Chicken Skin
Cheesy Nacho
Crunch tortilla chips topped with zesty Meat-Mexican spiced and of course heaps of cheese, Jalapeno, Add on your favorite toppings.
Truffle Parmesan Fries Garlic Mayo
Truffle Parmesan Fries Garlic Mayo
열빙어 튀김 Fried BingEo, 7pcs
차돌된장찌개 Chadol Doenjang-jjigae & Rice
After enjoying your meat, cleanse your palate with a bowl of Doenjang Jjigae with ChaDol-beef brisket! Add a spoonful of the stew to your bibimbap and top it with some aged kimchi. Enjoy! 고기먹고 입가심엔 차돌된장찌개! 된장찌개를 비빔밥에 넣고 신김치를 얹어서 드세요.
🌶️🌶️홍대비빔밥 HongDae Bibimbop
김치라면 KimChi RaMyun
한국 내수용 신라면, We are using Korean NongShim Shin Noodle
열무국수 YeolMoo GukSu
Savor the coolness of our refreshing Cold GukSu noodle made with handcrafted Young Radish Kimchi for an authentic taste experience!직접담근 열무김치로 만든 시원한 열무국수 (중면)
Jjam Ppong Ramyun - Spicy
짬뽕라면 Jjam Ppong Ramyun Remark: we do not recommend ordering if delivery takes more than 15 minutes
계란 라면 Ramyun Classic
계란라면 Korean no. 1 favorites genuine product made in Korea(내수용 신라면) remark: we do not recommend ordering if delivery takes more than 15 minutes
오무라이스 Omurice
오무라이스 A beloved dish cherished by Koreans it consists of stir -fired rice with vegetables and sausage, wrapped in a thin layer of egg and topped with a signature tangy and sweet sauce
참치 볶음밥 Tuna Fried Rice
열무비빔밥 YeolMoo BiBimBop
김치참치 덮밥 Kimchi Tuna Deopbop
참치 김치 덮밥 I The Magical Addictive Flavor. Korean Kimchi, Tuna, Various Vegetables, Sunny-Side-Up Egg and Kiwi Salad, Sweet Corn, Homemade Pickles. Note: Generous portions and pleasantly spicy.
돈까스 Pork Don-Kasu with Rice
Korean-style crispy pork cutlet topped with tangy-sweet signature sauce.
김밥 KimBop
계란장 덮밥 EggJang Deopbop
포도봉봉 Grape Bong Bong 340ml
쿨피스 파인애플 CoolPis Pineapple 350ml
Domestic products for the Korean market, Best With Spicy Foods like a GulMul DakBal. 국물닭발의 최고친구 쿨피스
밀키스 Milkis 250ml
사랑해요 밀키스
갈아만든배 Crushed Pear Drink 238ml
콜라 제로 칼로리 COKE ZERO 330ML
콜라 COKE 330ML
Schweppes Dry Ginger Ale 330ML