Stadium Hotdog Chicken
The most basic hotdog. Our signature hoagie bun, a juicy chicken sausage and sided with mayonnaise and tomato sauce.
New York Chicken
Our signature hogie bun with the juicy chicken sausage, sweetened with relish and flooded with mayonnaise and tomato sauce.
Stadium Hotdog Beef
The most basic hotdog. Our signature hoagie bun, a juicy beef sausage and sided with mayonnaise and tomato sauce.
Chicago Beef
Our signature hogie bun with the juicy beef sausage, sweetened with relish and flooded with mustard and tomato sauce.
Soakin Ted Chicken
The juicy chicken sausage with tomato sauce.
Coney Chicken
Our signature hoagie bun with the juicy beef sausage, flooded with our signature coney sauces (sheredded chicken with blended tomato sauce).
Soakin Ted Beef
The juicy beef sausage with tomato sauce.
Coney Beef
Our signature hoagie bun with the juicy beef sausage, flooded with our signature coney sauces (sheredded chicken with blended tomato sauce).
Chicken Cocktail
Four pieces of chicken cocktail with mayonnaise and tomato sauce.
Texas Ted Chicken
Our signature hogie bun with the juicy chicken sausage, a strip of bega cheese along sided with bbq sauces and for the final touch, sprinkles of chili flakes.
Texas Ted Beef
Our signature hogie bun with the juicy beef sausage, a strip of bega cheese along sided with bbq sauces and for the final touch, sprinkles of chili flakes.
Carbonara Chicken
Our signature hogie bun with the juicy sausage of your choice, a strip of bega cheese along sided with creamy carbonara sauce and for the final touch, sprinkles of chili flakes.
Carbonara Beef
Our signature hogie bun with the juicy sausage of your choice, a strip of bega cheese along sided with creamy carbonara sauce and for the final touch, sprinkles of chili flakes.
Deutsche Doodle Dang Chicken
Our signature hogie bun with the juicy chicken sausage, sided with mash potatoes and flooded with the bbq sauces and mayonnaise for the final touch, sprinkles of chili flakes.
Deutsche Doodle Dang Beef
Our signature hogie bun with the juicy beef sausage, sided with mash potatoes and flooded with the bbq sauces and mayonnaise for the final touch, sprinkles of chili flakes.
Mighty Mubarak Wrap Chicken
The one and only menu with our 9" wrap, with our juicy chicken sausage and layered with creamy chicken floss (a little bit spicy).
Mighty Mubarak Wrap Beef
The one and only menu with our 9" wrap, with our juicy beef sausage and layered with creamy chicken floss (a little bit spicy).