MD07 Blush Beauty Bouquet
The Blush Beauty Bouquet consists of 12 stalks of red carnation flowers, and pearl beads placed on top of each and every stalk of carnation flowers together with a hand-written greeting card. This bouquet of flowers is soap roses. Under room temperature, it can persist for one to two years.
MD06 Floral Carriage
A Floral Carriage consists of various types of roses, carnations, and eucalyptus together with a hand-written greeting card. This bouquet of flowers is soap roses. Under room temperature, it can persist for one to two years.
MD01 Sweet Momma Bouquet
A sweet momma bouquet consists of 3 salmon pink roses, 3 pink roses, 2 white roses, 2 maroon red carnations, 1 white carnation, and a daisy, together with a handwritten greeting card. This bouquet of flowers is soap roses. Under room temperature, it can persist for one to two years.
MD02 Blossoming Love Bouquet
A blossoming love bouquet consists of 8 dusty pink carnations, 7 lilac roses, and a Caspia, together with a handwritten greeting card. This bouquet of flowers is soap roses. Under room temperature, it can persist for one to two years.
MD03 Mom's Serenade Bouquet
A mom's serenade bouquet consists of 3 wighty pink and 2 dusty pink of carnations together with a handwritten greeting card. This bouquet of flowers is soap roses. Under room temperature, it can persist for one to two years.
MD04 Blooming Affection Bouquet
A Blooming Affection bouquet consists of 10 wighty pink carnations along with butterfly lace and pearls decorations, together with a handwritten greeting card. This bouquet of flowers is soap roses. Under room temperature, it can persist for one to two years.
MD05 Mother's Love Bouquet
The Mother's Love Bouquet consists of variety stalks of roses, carnations as well as orchid together with a handwritten greeting card. A Mother's Day bouquet is a beautiful arrangement of flowers, crafted to celebrate the love and appreciation we have for the extraordinary women who nurtured us.
SF01 Chanel de Coco Soap Bouquet in Red (Medium)
10 stalks of flowers and it comes with a handwritten greeting card. This bouquet of flowers is soap roses. Under room temperature, it can persist for one to two years.
SF03 Morganite in Chanel in Pink (Small)
5 stalks of flowers and it comes with a handwritten greeting card. This bouquet of flowers is soap roses. Under room temperature, it can persist for one to two years.
SF06 Lulu de Bouquet (Medium)
10 stalks of flowers and it comes with a handwritten greeting card. This bouquet of flowers is soap roses. Under room temperature, it can persist for one to two years.
SF08 Starry Starry Night (Medium)
12 stalks of flowers and it comes with a handwritten greeting card. This bouquet of flowers is soap roses. Under room temperature, it can persist for one to two years.
SF10 Green Forest Hand Bouquet (Medium)
The Green Forest Hand Bouquet consists of 12 stalks of flowers and it comes along with a handwritten greeting card. This bouquet of flowers is soap roses. Under room temperature, it can persist for one to two years.
SF04 Morganite in Chanel in Pink (Medium)
10 stalks of flowers and it comes with a handwritten greeting card. This bouquet of flowers is soap roses. Under room temperature, it can persist for one to two years.
SF07 Lulu de Bouquet (Large)
20 stalks of flowers and it comes with a handwritten greeting card. This bouquet of flowers is soap roses. Under room temperature, it can persist for one to two years.
SF09 Starry Starry Night (Large)
20 stalks of flowers and it comes with a handwritten greeting card. This bouquet of flowers is soap roses. Under room temperature, it can persist for one to two years.
SF11 Green Forest Hand Bouquet (Large)
The Green Forest Hand Bouquet consists of 20 stalks of flowers and it comes along with a handwritten greeting card. This bouquet of flowers is soap roses. Under room temperature, it can persist for one to two years.
SF05 Morganite in Chanel in Pink (Large)
20 stalks of flowers and it comes with a handwritten greeting card. This bouquet of flowers is soap roses. Under room temperature, it can persist for one to two years.
SF02 Chanel de Coco Soap Bouquet in Red (Large)
20 stalks of flowers and it comes with a handwritten greeting card. This bouquet of flowers is soap roses. Under room temperature, it can persist for one to two years.
BB01 Floral Fantasy Hand Bouquet
This bouquet of soap flowers is a mixture of colors. It includes a fixed number of stalks of soap flowers and it comes with a handwritten greeting card. This bouquet of flowers is soap roses. Under room temperature, it can persist for one to two years.
BB02 Scented Bloom Hand Bouquet
This bouquet of soap flowers is a mixture of colors. It includes a fixed number of stalks of soap flowers and it comes with a handwritten greeting card. This bouquet of flowers is soap roses. Under room temperature, it can persist for one to two years.
MB01 Wealthy Petals Hand Bouquet (Medium)
The Wealthy Petails Hand Bouquet is made with money petals and encircled it with baby breath flowers. As shown in the picture, we used 10 pcs of RM10 notes, which will be folded into 5 flower petals. *Price excludes the value in money*
MB04 Fortune Flower Bouquet
The Fortune Flower Bouquet consists of roses, carnations, cotton flowers, eaucalyptus, and rabbit tail together with a handwritten greeting card. As shown in the picture, we used 10 pieces of RM10, which will be folded into 2 flower petals. *Price excludes the value in money*
MB05 Classic Cash Bouquet
This Classic Cash Bouquet consists of cotton flowers, roses & eucalyptus together with a handwritten greeting card. As shown in the picture, we used 15 pieces of RM50, and 5 pieces of RM100, which will be folded into 4 flower petals. *Price excludes the value in money.*
MB02 Wealthy Petals Hand Bouquet (Large)
A bouquet of money flowers is made with 25pcs of RM250 notes, at an all value of Rm100, which is also encircled with baby breath flowers. *Price does not include the money value*
GB04 Sweet Success Bouquet
The sweet success bouquet consists of sunflowers, cotton flowers and sticks as well. The graduation bouquet celebrates the graduate's hard work, resilience, and bright future. It's a beautiful symbol of accomplishment, joy, and hope, inspiring them to keep chasing their dreams.
GB03 Lovely Milestone Bouquet
The lovely milestone bouquet consists of sunflowers and soapflowers. The graduation bouquet is a stunning combination of flowers that symbolizes accomplishment, hope, and joy, a thoughtful gift to congratulate the graduate.
GB01 Success Blossoms Hand Bouquet
The Mika Graduation Bear Bouquet is the perfect way to convey congrats! Sunflowers, roses, and gerberas in vivid colors surround Paul, our jovial polar bear graduate. Ideal for wishing a particular graduate luck on their special day! Also, it includes a handwritten card to express your best wishes.
GB02 Graduation Glory Hand Bouquet
The Mika Graduation Bear Bouquet is the perfect way to convey congrats! Sunflowers, roses, and gerberas in vivid colors surround Paul, our jovial polar bear graduate. Ideal for wishing a particular graduate luck on their special day! Also, it includes a handwritten card to express your best wishes.
SB01 Sakura Pink Snacks Bouquet (Small)
A snacks bouquet that only contains a different variety of snacks and a handwritten greeting card. This is a fantastic gift for a gourmet who likes to indulge in little treats.
SB04 Snacks Bouquet With Preserved Soap Flowers(Small)
A special snacks bouquet that is only available during the Ramadan season. It consists of a different variety of snacks. A wonderful present for someone who enjoys snacks and is a foodie. Let's cheer someone up with our lovely and tasty imported goodies.
SB02 Sakura Pink Snacks Bouquet (Medium)
A snacks bouquet that only contains a different variety of snacks and a handwritten greeting card. This is a fantastic gift for a gourmet who likes to indulge in little treats.
SB06 Snacks Bouquet With Preserved Soap Flowers (Large)
A snack bouquet that only contains a different variety of snacks and a handwritten greeting card. This is a fantastic gift for a gourment who likes to indulge in little treats.
SB03 Sakura Pink Snacks Bouquet (Large)
A snacks bouquet that only contains a different variety of snacks and a handwritten greeting card. This is a fantastic gift for a gourmet who likes to indulge in little treats.
SB05 Snacks Bouquet With Preserved Soap Flowers (Medium)
A special snacks bouquet that is only available during the Ramadan season. It consists of a different variety of snacks. A wonderful present for someone who enjoys snacks and is a foodie. Let's cheer someone up with our lovely and tasty imported goodies.
BC01 Sakura Fortune Cat Flower Basket
This is a mini opening basket with soap roses and preserved flowers in a pink theme. Under room temperature, it can persist for one to two years.