Nasi Ayam Penyet
Set Nasi with Ayam, sambal, sup, tauhu, tempe and also sayur.
Nasi Bawal Penyet
Set Nasi with Ikan Bawal, sambal, sup, tauhu, tempe and also sayur.
Nasi Talapia Merah
Set Nasi with Ikan Talapia Merah, sambal, sup, tauhu, tempe and also sayur.
Nasi Pecel Lele
Set Nasi with Ikan Keli, sambal, sup, tauhu, tempe and also sayur.
Bakso Penyet
Bihun sup serve with meatball, chicken, vegetables and also sambal kicap together with limau kasturi.
Nasi Kembong Penyet
Set Nasi with Ikan Kembong, sambal, sup, tauhu, tempe and also sayur.
Nasi Talapia Hitam
Set Nasi with Ikan Talapia Hitam, sambal, sup, tauhu, tempe and also sayur.
Nasi Cencaru Penyet
Set Nasi with Ikan Cencaru, sambal, sup, tauhu, tempe and also sayur.