SF03. Sauna Mee (Fish) Set 桑拿面(鱼)套餐
A combination of 10 types of fresh vegetables, butterfish, mushroom & pumpkin rice noodles. **Reheat is necessary before consuming** 以10种新鲜蔬菜及牛油鱼于石锅炖制而成,汤汁香浓鲜美,配上蘑菇及南瓜米线。 **食用前需要重新加热**
SV03. Sauna Mee (Vegetarian) Set 桑拿面(素)套餐
A combination of 12 types of fresh vegetables, mushroom & pumpkin rice noodles. **Reheat is necessary before consuming** 以12种新鲜蔬菜于石锅炖制而成,汤汁鲜美甘甜,配上蘑菇及南瓜米线。 **食用前需要重新加热**
R03. Pumpkin Fried Rice Set 南瓜炒饭套餐
Topped with shredded pumpkin, several types of vegetables, this high fiber fried rice is nutritious, delicious & 100% guilt free. 以南瓜为主,搭配各色蔬菜的炒饭,不只色香味俱全,更富含膳食纤维。
R04. Wild Mushroom Fried Rice Set 野菌炒饭套餐
Loaded with a variety of fresh vegetables, mushrooms, this multi-grain fried rice is flavorful & nutritious. 以5种谷类及新鲜野菌为主食材,粒粒爽口,美味又健康。
R05. Petai Fried Rice Set 臭豆炒饭套餐
The authentic Malaysian delicacy stinky beans is stir-fried with a variety of vegetables. It has a strong aroma, classic flavor & superb taste. 以大马道地美食臭豆搭配多种蔬菜热炒,香味浓郁有Wok气且口感佳。
R06. Signature Curry Set 咖喱班兰椰浆饭套餐
The homemade fragrant pandan rice is paired with our signature curry, classic side dishes, all while satisfying the taste buds & not burdening the body. 自制的清香班兰饭搭配浓郁可口的招牌咖喱和经典配菜,满足味蕾但不加重身体负担。
SR01. Steamed Rice With Chili Tao Chew Chicken Set 豉椒蒸鸡套餐
Steamed brown rice served with stir-fried baby romaine, herbal soup & spicy tao chew chicken. 糙米蒸饭配上清炒油麦、药材炖汤以及香辣可口的豉椒鸡肉块,满足口欲的完美套餐。
SR02. Steamed Rice With Signature Curry Set 招牌咖喱套餐
Steamed brown rice served with stir-fried baby romaine, herbal soup & our signature curry mushrooms. 糙米蒸饭配上清炒油麦、药材炖汤以及扑鼻香喷的招牌咖喱素菇,肯定吃了无法忘怀。
N03. Cantonese Seafood Noodles 江南海鲜面
Springy noodles, fresh vegetables and a careful selection of quality seafood, tender perfection in a clear, nourishing broth. 以各种海鲜搭配鲜甜汤汁及各色新年蔬菜,丰盛呈现弹性口感,乃海鲜爱好者的不二之选。
N04. Cantonese Veggie Noodles 江南田园面
Combining springy noodles, a sweet & clear broth and 8 different types of vegetables, this Cantonese style dish is a crowd favourite for veggie lovers. 以八种蔬菜烹制而成,汤汁清甜鲜美,每一口都洋溢着温暖的田园风味。
J01. Signature Lemongrass Drink 香茅茶
Brewed with lemongrass, old ginger and pandan leaves to get rid of bloating 采用特种香茅、老姜及班兰叶烹制而成,有驱风暖胃之功效。
B01. Signature Hainanese Coffee (Hot) 招牌海南咖啡 (热)
A blend of 2 types of Javanese coffee beans, use wood-fire roasting technique. The tasting notes are bittersweet and smooth. 采用优质利比里亚和罗布斯塔咖啡豆的混合,以低糖和新鲜牛油烘炒,口感更加香浓顺滑,让人齿颊留香。
B02. Signature Hainanese Coffee (Cold) 招牌海南咖啡(冷)
A blend of 2 types of Javanese coffee beans, use wood-fire roasting technique. The tasting notes are bittersweet and smooth. 采用优质利比里亚和罗布斯塔咖啡豆的混合,以低糖和新鲜牛油烘炒,口感更加香浓顺滑,让人齿颊留香。
B04. Passion Fruit Juice 百香果汁
Wonderfully nutritious, deliciously fragrant and prefect for cooling down on a hot day. 营养丰富的百香果汁,香气迷人,是极好的消暑饮品。
B06. Iced Lemon Tea 柠檬茶
Lemons are rich in Vitamin C, which helps combat oxidation and promotes skin metabolism, keeping your complexion bright, dewy and radiant. 柠檬富含维生素C,不但有助抗氧化,还能促进肌肤的新陈代谢,养颜美白。
D01. Pear & Snow Fungus Sweet Soup 冰糖银耳雪梨
Snow pear braised with white fungus soup. 雪梨炖银耳,清甜润喉。
D03. Sesame Latte Soup 芝麻卡普
Rich and delicious black sesame soup that is low in cholesterol, low in calories, and low in fat. 号称3D低胆固醇,低热量,低脂肪的浓郁甜品;口感美味顺滑,散发黑芝麻的香气。