We've updated the menu according to your selected delivery arrival time.
Shihlin Made From Cassava Flour, Chicken And Eggs.
Curly Omelette With Shrimp Paste Sauce
The Variation Of Fried Egg Dishes That Are Ready To Spoil The Eggs Beforehand And Fried In Fried Oil Or Hot Butter On A Rooster.
Curly Omelette With Geprek Sambal
The Variation Of Fried Egg Dishes That Are Ready To Spoil The Eggs Beforehand And Fried In Fried Oil Or Hot Butter On A Rooster.
Curly Omelet With Squid Sauce
Variasi hidangan telur goreng yang disiapkan dengan cara mengocok telur terlebih dahulu dan menggorengnya dengan minyak goreng atau mentega panas pada sebuah wajan.
Curly Omelette (1 Egg)
The Variation Of Fried Egg Dishes That Are Ready To Spoil The Eggs Beforehand And Fried In Fried Oil Or Hot Butter On A Rooster.
Curly Omelette (2 Chicken Eggs)
The Variation Of Fried Egg Dishes That Are Ready To Spoil The Eggs Beforehand And Fried In Fried Oil Or Hot Butter On A Rooster.
We're always working to get the most accurate information. Let us know if you come across anything that's outdated!