Mango Yogushot
Sour Sally Greek Yogurt Mixed With Mango Chunck.
Strawberry Yogushot
Sour Sally Greek Yogurt Mixed With Strawberry.
Peach Yogushot
Sour Saly Greek Yogurt Mixed With Peach.
Collagen ManGo
Minuman smoothie berbahan dasar collagen dengan perpaduan Mango Fruit, Light Cream Collagen, Ice Crush, White Zero & Aloevera. Segera simpan di kulkas dan konsumsi dalam 12 jam.
Collagen ManGo-LinGon
Minuman smoothie berbahan dasar collagen dengan perpaduan Mango Fruit, Light Cream Collagen, Ice Crush, White Zero & Longan. Segera simpan di kulkas dan konsumsi dalam 12 jam.
Collagen KiWee
Minuman smoothie berbahan dasar collagen dengan perpaduan KiWee Fruit, Light Cream Collagen, Ice Crush, White Zero & Aloevera. Segera simpan di kulkas dan konsumsi dalam 12 jam.
Collagen KiWee Longan
Minuman smoothie berbahan dasar collagen dengan perpaduan KiWee Fruit, Light Cream Collagen, Ice Crush, White Zero & Longan. Segera simpan di kulkas dan konsumsi dalam 12 jam.
Collagen Dragon
Minuman smoothie berbahan dasar collagen dengan perpaduan Dragon Fruit, Light Cream Collagen, Ice Crush, White Zero & Aloevera. Segera simpan di kulkas dan konsumsi dalam 12 jam.
Collagen Flychee Dragon
Minuman smoothie berbahan dasar collagen dengan perpaduan Dragon Fruit, Light Cream Collagen, Ice Crush, White Zero & Longan. Segera simpan di kulkas dan konsumsi dalam 12 jam.
Strawberry Smoothies
Fresh Strawberry mixed with Sour Sally’s signature premium yogurt, served with aloe vera, chia seeds, goji berry & caviar
Peach Smoothies
Fresh Peach mixed with Sour Sally’s signature premium yogurt, served with aloe vera, chia seeds, goji berry & caviar
Thp | Black Sakura 250
Black Sakura frozen yogurt 250 grams + 3 toppings (1 crunchy, 1 fruit, 1 sauce). Immediately store the yogurt and toppings in the refrigerator and consume within 12 hours.
Thp | White Zero 250
White Zero frozen yogurt 250 grams + 3 toppings (1 crunchy, 1 fruit, 1 sauce). Immediately store the yogurt and toppings in the refrigerator and consume within 12 hours.
Thp | White Skim 250
White Skim frozen yogurt 250 grams + 3 toppings (1 crunchy, 1 fruit, 1 sauce). Immediately store the yogurt and toppings in the refrigerator and consume within 12 hours.
Thp | Black Sakura 500
Black Sakura frozen yogurt 500 grams + 6 toppings (2 crunchy, 2 fruits, 2 sauces). Immediately store the yogurt and toppings in the refrigerator and consume within 12 hours.
Thp | White Zero 500
White Zero frozen yogurt 500 grams + 6 toppings (2 crunchy, 2 fruits, 2 sauces). Immediately store the yogurt and toppings in the refrigerator and consume within 12 hours.
Thp | White Skim 500
White Skim frozen yogurt 500 grams + 6 toppings (2 crunchy, 2 fruits, 2 sauces). Immediately store the yogurt and toppings in the refrigerator and consume within 12 hours.
Bundling Yogushot
Get 3 special yogushot: sour sally Greek yogurt mixed with mango chunks, sour Sally Greek yogurt mixed with crushed pumpkins, sour Sally Greek yogurt mixed with black sticky rice.
Yogulato Buddy Pack [Buy 2 Disc 15% - 2x330ML]
Choose 2 Ice Cream Yogurt Italian Style From 4 Special Flavors That You Like And Your Friends. Immediately Store It In The Freezer And Lasts For 9 Months.
Yogulato Buddy Pack [Buy 2 Disc 15% - 2x330ML]
Pilih 2 Es Krim Yogurt ala Italia dari 4 rasa spesial yang kamu dan temanmu suka. Segera simpan dalam freezer dan tahan selama 9 bulan.
Yogulato Plain Sally 330ML
Italian Style Yogurt Ice Cream With Texture And Creamy Flavors Such As The O.G Sour Daddy. Immediately Store It In The Freezer And Lasts For 9 Months.
Yogulato Ichi Go Mochi Strawberry 330ML
Italian Style Yogurt Ice Creamy Cream With Texture Creamy And Chewy Mochi And Strawberry Flavors. Immediately Store In The Freezer And Last For 9 Months.
Yogulato Bean Missin' U Matcha 330ML
Italian Style Yogurt Ice Creamy Creamy Cream With Texture And Creamy Mochi And Japanese Matcha Flavors With Scrambled Peanuts. Immediately Store In The Freezer And Lasts For 9 Months.
Yogulato Plain Sally 330ML
Es Krim Yogurt ala Italia dengan tekstur thick & creamy dan rasa plain seperti The O.G Sour Sally. Cocok untuk dijadikan smoothies. Segera simpan dalam freezer dan tahan selama 9 bln.
Yogulato Cookie Dough & Raisin 330ML
Italian Style Yogurt Ice Cream With Texture Thick Creamy Taste Of Dough Sauce In Daddy And Pieces Of Raisins. Immediately Store In The Freezer And For A Month.
Yogulato Ichi Go Mochi Strawberry 330ML
Es Krim Yogurt ala Italia dengan tekstur thick & creamy serta chewy mochi dan rasa stroberi. Segera simpan dalam freezer dan tahan selama 9 bulan.
Yogulato Ciao Cioccolato 330ML
Italian Style Yogurt Ice Cream With Texture Thick Creamy With The Dark Chocolate Taste And Chocolate Steak Cutlets. Immediately Store It In The Freezer And It Lasts 9 Months.
Yogulato Bean Missin' U Matcha 330ML
Es Krim Yogurt ala Italia dengan tekstur thick & creamy serta chewy mochi dan rasa matcha jepang dengan kacang ogura. Segera simpan dalam freezer dan tahan selama 9 bulan.
Yogulato Cookie Dough & Raisin 330ML
Es Krim Yogurt ala Italia dengan tekstur thick & creamy dengan rasa Cookie Dough all-time fav sauce di Sour Sally dan potongan kismis. Segera simpan dalam freezer dan tahan selama 9 bln.
Yogulato Ciao Cioccolato 330ML
Es Krim Yogurt ala Italia dengan tekstur thick & creamy dengan rasa Italian Dark Chocolate dan potongan biscuit cokelat. Segera simpan dalam freezer dan tahan selama 9 bulan.